Elgin Mills Estate lots
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Snow Larc was invited to provide the masterplan and detailed design for a small and exclusive enclave of executive estate lots. Through discussions with the client we understood the importance of this burial space as part of their ongoing efforts to plan and develop funeral and cemetery properties which anticipate and respond to the diverse needs of the surrounding communities. The estate lots are situated adjacent a sculpture garden (another Snow Larc project) and overlook the natural landscape at the edge of the cemetery.
The project was designed in a short time frame and work included conceptual and detailed design drawings, construction documents, and site meetings.
We incorporated extensive and strategic planting into the relatively small space of this prestigious enclave. The garden is offset from the surrounding open space, and adjacent art feature. Additionally, the planting serves to frame views to the nearby pond and the lush landscape beyond.

Contact us if you are interested to know more.